demos.tfaboutviewereditor #505925 - Cav vs forni


Demo uploaded by Jamillia 2 years go

(bals) ligoboi-grecko147101458smocc
briggs267917821Il Piantissimo
steve french192616410Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-ye
AFR fathumanator186131826r u guys going trick or treatin
SortOfABigDeal11571532Punished cyg



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Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yerup00:01
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCbout fucking time, you baiters00:21
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCfucking feed simulator01:14
AFR fathumanatorsniper?01:25
(bals) ligoboi-greckobruh01:29
AFR fathumanatorno strike?01:32
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yeyeah01:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCsniper is able to play as long as he stays in lobby/shutter02:02
r u guys going trick or treatinscrambe 02:25
r u guys going trick or treatin!scramble02:29
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yeno02:30
Airborne #DeleteTF2CClol02:31
AFR fathumanatorit wasn't a stalemate02:32
AFR fathumanatortho02:35
r u guys going trick or treatinwtf this isnt uncletopia02:36
Airborne #DeleteTF2CChe was defending last02:44
r u guys going trick or treatin.ss03:15
(bals) ligoboi-greckoLAST?????03:16
(bals) ligoboi-greckowe werent even on second03:30
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCsthu, i'm drunk you get what you get.03:38
AFR fathumanatorbro nah03:42
AFR fathumanatorI get fucked over03:46
AFR fathumanatortaht's gay03:49
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCyou won quit crying04:00
[STV Stats] RED spent 26.0 seconds after spawning before healing04:03
AFR fathumanatorI got striked for that same shit basically04:17
AFR fathumanatorcmon mannnn04:24
r u guys going trick or treatinle epic win04:25
r u guys going trick or treatinsomeone just shit themselves in mvm04:39
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCyou won, wth.04:42
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 99% uber05:09
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCfine, DO NOT OFFCLASS outside of last sniper05:22
smoccit didn't help :|05:36
steve frenchwhy do u run the pug and not play the game05:39
AFR fathumanatorwe was out of the rollout05:40
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCbecause I am bad05:51
steve frenchnot rly05:57
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCam worst med, worster scout06:19
Il Piantissimopug strike for whining06:34
Airborne #DeleteTF2CClol06:45
steve frenchi played with u ur better than half the ppl here06:46
steve french.ss07:05
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCnope, vry bad. can't play rgl nc07:11
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 32 seconds before using it07:16
[STV Stats] RED spent 15.5 seconds after spawning before healing08:04
(bals) ligoboi-greckoI am laughing so hard rn08:07
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwait till you see my new binds from rogue08:31
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCmega laugh08:43
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwtf is happening on mid09:09
(bals) ligoboi-greckoIm high tbh09:20
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCcool I'm 3 liters deep in beer09:33
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCmfw mf checking logs during mid10:23
(bals) ligoboi-grecko.ss10:27
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwelp gotta turn up spotify, mf's boring me11:14
r u guys going trick or treatinshut your up11:23
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCst stfu11:31
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.3 seconds after spawning before healing12:50
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCpoverty players13:31
[STV Stats] RED spent 29.5 seconds after spawning before healing13:46
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCfucking runner genning shit teams fr14:07
steve frenchfrfr14:15
steve french.ss14:17
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwho's running this shit show14:34
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCrunner needs to be fired frfr15:36
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yewhat16:37
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwtf 2 demos get it together16:42
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yelmao16:52
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCblue deserves to lose17:10
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yegreat mage17:13
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.17:16
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.17:16
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...17:16