demos.tfaboutviewereditor #505925 - RED vs FROYO


Demo uploaded by Jamillia 2 years go

(bals) ligoboi-grecko25718211024briggs
Il Piantissimo40527181119GamingNick
steve french3082019522Punished cyg
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-ye23513221222AFR fathumanator
r u guys going trick or treatin1112522171SortOfABigDeal



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Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yerup or airborne takes a shot00:01
[SOAP] Plugins unloaded.00:03
estrogen infused femboy[P-REC] Recording...00:04
estrogen infused femboy.ss00:05
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCI'm now 3.5L deep, I can't even see 00:31
[STV Stats] BLU spent 15.4 seconds after spawning before healing01:04
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.2 seconds after spawning before healing01:18
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwtf sir waddles worth solly01:29
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yewhat01:58
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yewhat02:12
[STV Stats] BLU spent 16.0 seconds after spawning before healing02:16
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCtha'ts it, I'm downing aobuthter .5 liters you all are killing me02:30
(bals) ligoboi-greckoyo soy un better tf2 player scvout02:45
r u guys going trick or treatinthe02:59
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCok, 4 liters of beer, and I could still play better03:26
Il Piantissimoadmin can I play spy?03:35
estrogen infused femboyno03:39
Airborne #DeleteTF2CConly on last don't test me03:47
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCI literally can't feel my legs04:24
(bals) ligoboi-greckoi think thats a sign of stroke04:52
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCthat's face smh05:02
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCI'm a professional drunk05:27
[STV Stats] BLU spent 20.7 seconds after spawning before healing06:03
(bals) ligoboi-greckoMED dropED06:33
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCmax vol on spotify now.06:42
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.5 seconds after spawning before healing06:52
AFR fathumanator???08:04
Airborne #DeleteTF2CClet's see a little aggresion people, I want to be entertained.08:31
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.0 seconds after spawning before healing08:50
Airborne #DeleteTF2CChave I said how much I love this community09:12
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.9 seconds after spawning before healing09:53
(bals) ligoboi-greckoim a beast at snipin11:32
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCso beast...11:50
estrogen infused femboymr. breast 11:59
[STV Stats] BLU spent 20.7 seconds after spawning before healing12:26
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCbout fucking time13:28
(bals) ligoboi-grecko.ss14:08
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-ye!log14:12
(bals) ligoboi-greckofunny I am legit crap pant15:24
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCok, I'm out of beer so lets get this fucking going15:43
AFR fathumanator.ss17:31
Il Piantissimour team didnt save u18:31
AFR fathumanatorfr18:35
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCwtf heavy leaves last?????18:53
Punished cygno19:04
Colonel Saltsecret meta19:10
Colonel Salt.ss20:18
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.0 seconds after spawning before healing21:11
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 11 seconds24:07
[STV Stats] RED's medic DROPPED!24:23
(bals) ligoboi-greckolfmao25:00
Colonel Saltblu team do something funny27:40
(bals) ligoboi-greckodo i have permission to spy now?27:56
(bals) ligoboi-greckoplease28:10
Airborne #DeleteTF2CCnot unless on last28:16
Spacebar? "BELUTSAGER KING"-yehillarious28:17
AFR fathumanator.ss28:19
Colonel Saltvery funny last28:20
(bals) ligoboi-greckowe won?28:21
Colonel Salt.ss29:01
AFR fathumanator.ss29:16
briggszoo wee mama30:10
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14