
The Waffle Hause's PUG Server - RJN vs WFL


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 2 years go

[ RJN ] MeeLee1522522528S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatos
egyasaki11141414614WFL Chrysta|
Sa1d Mujah1d.3991112821her broken king
[TsN] Edgy201511201312xABJ
M1A2 SEPv4 ★2201110190WFL Plumsy
ไทยland2151516418mute all
okdo rice1512330017tardo the ass monkey



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S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatoshe insane leader00:02
No.1 Bust[P-REC] Recording...00:04
WheelChair[P-REC] Recording...00:04
[TsN] Edgymeelee is a beast00:10
WheelChairI eat chocolate on the toilet00:12
I eat chocolate in the morning:O00:20
I eat chocolate in the morningwhy00:22
WheelChairmakes me shit more00:29
I eat chocolate in the morningbru00:35
[TsN] EdgyMeelee carries00:40
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosi agree00:44
tardo the ass monkeyhold on i have the same color sidekick odko00:46
okdo rice<3200:53
S&S Ammunitions ThanhnatosFUNNY SENTRY01:49
S&S Ammunitions ThanhnatosMY PING02:24
WFL PlumsyLAG02:27
okdo ricewtf02:27
tardo the ass monkeyIM THROWING02:27
WheelChair400 ping 02:27
okdo riceWHO DDOX SERVER02:30
[ RJN ] MeeLeesomeone is ddosing02:33
tardo the ass monkeyhuh02:34
Sa1d Mujah1d.???02:34
tardo the ass monkeywhat02:35
S&S Ammunitions ThanhnatosPAUSE02:36
S&S Ammunitions ThanhnatosPAIUSE02:37
okdo ricePASDE02:42
mute allcrazy02:43
[ RJN ] MeeLee!pause02:44
okdo ricePAUSE02:44
I eat chocolate in the morningXD02:46
[TsN] Edgyscuffed02:53
[ RJN ] MeeLee : bruh02:57
[Pause] Game was paused by ไทยland02:57
Saving ubercharge level for M1A2 SEPv4 ★02:57
Saving ubercharge level for WFL Plumsy02:57
*SPEC* I eat chocolate in the morning : bruh stop watching porn02:57
ไทยland : ?02:57
Sa1d Mujah1d. : ????02:57
egyasaki : holy02:57
okdo rice : asia to NA server02:57
*DEAD* ❤Tsumilicious❤ : going down/02:57
*DEAD* ❤Tsumilicious❤ : ?02:57
okdo rice : instantly02:57
*DEAD* egyasaki : the lag02:57
tardo the ass monkey : fuck me02:57
[ RJN ] MeeLee : fix this02:57
Toki! : server not just watching porn bro02:57
*SPEC* I eat chocolate in the morning : welcome to america02:57
xABJ : un pause02:57
Toki! : the server mining bitcoin02:57
[ RJN ] MeeLee : who the fuck is ddosing???02:57
[TsN] Edgy : I love 200+ ping!!!!02:57
okdo rice : someone hacked the server02:57
okdo rice : FUCK U DOKLA02:57
okdo rice : STOP02:57
okdo rice : NGGER02:57
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatos : pinoy gameplay02:57
tardo the ass monkey : melee shutup you cant even afford a 30 ref commission02:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by ไทยland...02:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...02:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...02:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...02:57
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...02:57
Restoring ubercharge level for M1A2 SEPv4 ★02:57
Restoring ubercharge level for WFL Plumsy02:57
[Pause] Game is unpaused!02:57
WheelChairthis game unreal03:08
[ RJN ] MeeLeeomg05:33
[ RJN ] MeeLeeso close05:37
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosi walk06:35
[TsN] Edgyreal06:37
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosand I frag06:38
[TsN] Edgyhe walks?!?06:40
[TsN] Edgyhe aint disabled real06:45
I eat chocolate in the morningbru sumi07:10
I eat chocolate in the morningrainfoxxer07:23
tardo the ass monkeyAHAHA07:23
[TsN] Edgytrickstanb07:27
[ RJN ] MeeLeewhy now we go in a clip dump07:28
I eat chocolate in the morningu got new frag video?07:30
tardo the ass monkeysoon07:36
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosgasuhdjkskd,asd09:02
S&S Ammunitions ThanhnatosOMG09:03
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosduashbknasnd,09:48
xABJfuckl u09:49
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosim beast09:55
WheelChair'watch the corners'10:13
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatosmelee i think u should unleash full power10:43
S&S Ammunitions Thanhnatos.ss12:23
❤Tsumilicious❤was that your spy the whole time13:59
I eat chocolate in the morning:O15:44
okdo ricefat15:51
okdo ricelike me15:53
I eat chocolate in the morningindeed15:57
Sa1d Mujah1d.LOL17:25
xABJfuck u 18:16
Sa1d Mujah1d.TOKI HBEAST18:25
okdo riceLOL18:33
okdo riceRAINN HAHAHAHA18:36
tardo the ass monkeyAHAHA18:39
okdo riceHOW DID GET ME HAHAHA18:44
okdo riceISTABBED20:28
[ RJN ] MeeLeeokdo beef20:29
okdo ricei heard the stab sound20:36
okdo riceggg20:37
I eat chocolate in the morningokdo get better xdxd20:40
Toki!bro was expecting me like his baby21:01
[TsN] Edgyfor real?21:12
[TsN] Edgyaww23:37
xABJggwp <323:38