demos.tfaboutviewereditor #1325378 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 1 years go




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[LogsTF] To see the stats, type: .ss00:02
JackWalmsYeah game kinda shit00:04
JackWalmsbring dm_vikings back00:17
benjuicethink you scout buddy was new00:21
JackWalmsleave him alone00:27
Muniautistic me wouldve fucking raped current me00:29
JackWalmshes trying00:29
benjuiceye idm00:33
JackWalmsi69 i installed the game on my laptop the day before i went00:53
Muniand still won01:02
JackWalmsLast time i played before that was i65 01:05
Muniyou must have it in you01:05
Muniive never actually been to any lans01:13
Muniwhat are they like?01:17
JackWalmsTheyre actually fun01:23
Muniare you allowed to play anything outside of tf2?01:36
JackWalmsWe never tried in any of the games, my group just did drunk dmixes01:37
JackWalmsCan do what you want01:42
JackWalmsI only go for the community / friends01:50
Munisounds awesome01:51
Munias you should01:55
Munihonestly the only one who isnt is probably banny02:02
JackWalmseveryone on froyo is great02:13
JackWalmsthen theres b4nny02:18
Munididnt you meet him?02:25
JackWalmsHe screamed at mayy for 20 mins after a game 02:26
JackWalmsYeah i met them all loads 02:31
Munii was sure someone told me or showed me that02:36
JackWalmsHes 'fine' 02:46
JackWalmsjust dont talk about tf2 with him02:50
JackWalmsHabib is a sick cunt03:02
Muniis there anything else to talk to him about? lol03:02
Munidoes he have any hobbies03:05
Muniyeah that comes off in his highlights03:14
Munias in sick banter lad or sick weirdo03:27
JackWalmsBanter 03:31
Munithought so03:39
JackWalmsBut ye good times03:50
JackWalmstoo bad i series probably dead now03:54
Muniim honestly amazed people still even play comp04:05
JackWalmslmao 04:09
Munii logged on last week and saw tf2center was still up04:12
Munii was like wtf04:15
JackWalmsthe player count is liek, 1/10th what it was on this site04:27
Munii also noticed04:42
Munihaving around 500 lobbies04:45
Muniim one of the 'newbies'04:51
Munieveryone has got like 3k lobbies04:57
JackWalmsah yes 04:57
Munijesus christ04:59
JackWalmsthe tf2center cryptids05:01
benjuicethere is a guy with 15000 lobbies05:11
JackWalmsi dont understand05:28
JackWalmshow they even do that05:33
Muniyeah i dont understand how they dont get bored05:46
JackWalmsSo you like my medal muni06:00
Munilike the only reason im even playing is cause im momentarily at my parents06:09
Munino one06:14
Muniis going to know06:16
JackWalmsthey dont know06:19
JackWalmswell people who follow comp do06:29
Muniive never heard anyone accidently given winning medals06:37
Muniso anyone you come across must think its legit06:43
JackWalmsits kinda funny even since i63 most of the comp players just know me as FROYO jackwalms06:51
JackWalmswhen i say hi to poeple who dont really know me at lan07:07
JackWalms9 times out of 10 they go oh froyo 07:16
Munii saw you featured on top 10 plays a couple years back07:16
JackWalmsoh yeah lmao07:22
Muniso youre borderline tf2 history at this point07:25
JackWalmstoo bad games shit07:38
Muniyeah i kind of gave up after the comp update07:52
Muniwhat a mess it was lmao07:58
JackWalmsIt was awful08:02
JackWalmsnew snake lobby join up xx08:12
Munireally just a nail in the coffin08:15
benjuicetry queue it today and it is HvH08:17
JackWalmsmuni demo08:37
JackWalmsold days08:39
Muniat one point08:46
Munieven i could say08:52
Munii was a somewhat competent demo08:57
Munii queued like 5 days ago09:05
JackWalmsIf i had my aim from 5 years ago09:06
Muniits sad man09:08
Munifucking adulthood09:20
JackWalmsidk man i work with minecraft fulltime09:29
JackWalmsim still child09:32
Muniis that a joke09:36
Munii literally cant tell09:39
JackWalmsI develop custom content for a youtuber09:47
JackWalmshe records09:49
Munilmfao what?09:55
Munithats legit dope09:59
JackWalmsBetter money than what i can get with my degree lmaoo10:03
Muniwhich youtuber?10:04
JackWalmskids content10:08
JackWalmsbut money from kids10:12
Muninever heard of him10:16
Munias in like editing?10:19
JackWalmshe got 5mil sujbs10:19
JackWalmsNah i dev the custom stuff in game10:30
JackWalmslike modding10:33
Munioh as in gamemodes?10:37
JackWalmsYeah basically10:40
JackWalmsAnything thats not vanilla10:47
Munididnt know you were into modding10:52
JackWalmsI wasnt back then10:57
JackWalmskinda fell into my lap11:02
Muniis it related to your degree?11:12
JackWalmsMe degree us computer forensics11:23
Munioh lol11:29
Muniso to no help then?11:34
JackWalmsI mean a little with programming side of things but11:41
JackWalmsNot raelly11:45
Munihow long have you worked with him?11:50
JackWalmsabout a year11:54
JackWalmsThe minecraft gig aint a long term career12:02
Munihe a good employer?12:03
JackWalmsYeah hes great12:06
Munii would imagine not12:08
JackWalmsBut for now its great to build up a bunch of cash and have a bunch of free time to do other things12:23
Munisounds like quite the gig12:33
JackWalmsGraduate jobs in the uk are dire12:33
Munipayed by the hour or as a contractor?13:08
JackWalmsTechnically yes13:32
Munidoes he know youre fucking about in tf2center? lol13:38
JackWalmsI can do what i want as long as the video is done by for recording day13:49
JackWalmsVids take 15-25 hours usally but he just pays full time cause americans14:02
Muniwhat a gig14:03
Munihowd you even get to know him?14:15
JackWalmsSo when i got into learning the shit i join a discord for support14:28
JackWalmsand as the time went on and i got good at tit 14:39
JackWalmsSome guy who owned a content house asked me to contract work for them14:52
Muniwow lol14:58
JackWalmsthey have laods of youtubers with them14:59
JackWalmsLike big big boys15:03
JackWalmsAnd from there i did some contract work with a bunch of people and then nestor messaged me since he was wanting a personal team15:28
JackWalmsrather than using a contracting house15:34
Munithats awesome15:44
JackWalmsIve been doing minecraft work for like 2.5 years 15:50
JackWalmsbut a year 'full time'15:53
JackWalmsits hilarious but its so good16:04
Muniyeah shouldnt be wasted16:27
Munistill in touch with any ogs from vtg?16:45
JackWalmsNot really16:54
JackWalmsDid you ever know via?17:10
JackWalmsshe wasnt vtg17:14
JackWalmsbut she played with the yaynos group after17:19
Munithen probably not17:23
JackWalmsYeah shes like the only person i still speak to every now and then17:30
Munioh yeah he made like tons of teams17:33
JackWalmsMy new group is the 'l3rdz' lots lmao you wont know them either17:48
Muniso youre in a team?18:02
Munilike actually?18:05
JackWalmsnah i havent played in forever18:05
JackWalmsThe people i mix with and team with at lan tho18:18
JackWalmsyou know lucky?18:31
Munilike lucky luke?18:36
JackWalmshe casted grand finals at i6918:36
JackWalmsnah ginger guy18:44
Munii wont lie i havent really touched comp or tf2 for like 5 years18:58
JackWalmsNah hes from cornwall lmao19:04
JackWalmsneither have i par lan19:14
JackWalmsOnly started on lobbies this last week cus bored19:20
JackWalmslets go team20:18
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