
● ⱲҒʟ #3 | Official ATF2L Server *SG* (Highlander Match) - RED vs Mix


Demo uploaded by xABJ 1 years go

20592425113the voices in my head
Foog da Cyberfreak252427101teejay
☁LAROI HATER33152544830Tabby The Bunny
WOW, torture322129172028้้BallBust - The Kid LAROI
STAY - The Kid LAROI242422221126700 WATERMELONS
n1co25922382237BReaking Balls
KaYSe34135241132I’m An Island Boy - Flyysoulj
11251fat bear eating pumpkin



Toggle Chat
Foog da CyberfreakAIYAH0:00
Foog da CyberfreakWATDAHELL00:02
the voices in my headANYONE NEED SUB00:03
BReaking Ballsround 3....00:04
avanis it me00:21
avanor its laggin00:23
[STV Stats] RED spent 9.7 seconds after spawning before healing03:11
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.5 seconds after spawning before healing05:09
the voices in my headnope06:46
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIWHO'S DYING06:48
the voices in my headim not06:48
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROITO SNIPER06:49
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROITHIS TIME06:50
the voices in my headim not lagging06:57
avannet_graph 407:07
avanis ur lerp flashing yellow07:15
the voices in my headyes it is07:26
avanit means the server's tickrate is dropping07:40
the voices in my headoh'07:42
the voices in my headthen yea im algging07:45
avanorange = stable07:48
avanred = its fking dead07:53
avanyellow = dropping07:58
the voices in my headok thank you for this ionformation08:06
the voices in my headdo you know css08:10
the voices in my headcan you help me08:12
avani dont know css08:30
avango ask chatgpt08:33
the voices in my headgive me admin?08:39
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljlet me change rq08:40
the voices in my headwhy08:52
avanbecause u SUCK08:57
the voices in my headu fkin give zeised bu tnot me08:57
the voices in my headhow does that make sense09:00
avani remove it soon09:02
avanfk him09:03
the voices in my head???09:05
the voices in my headBUT ME09:08
avangave him admin he instantly use warmode09:15
the voices in my headim like ur fav singaporean player n shit09:16
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljmy fps died09:20
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljfor 3 sec09:24
Foog da Cyberfreakcant pull shit out09:27
the voices in my headyou need sub?09:30
the voices in my headyea u need sub09:32
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljno09:34
the voices in my headi think you need sub09:35
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljyou need me :)09:46
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.1 seconds after spawning before healing09:51
the voices in my headno i dont need you10:24
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljyou do10:29
the voices in my headwho are you10:33
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 37 seconds before using it10:39
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljyours10:41
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljnoooo13:43
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysoulji choke13:46
Xiso cancer14:36
the voices in my headits ok i can snipe for u14:53
Foog da Cyberfreaku abich15:34
700 WATERMELONShahaha15:36
Foog da Cyberfreak>:(((15:37
Foog da CyberfreakHECC15:38
BReaking Ballswhat15:52
Foog da Cyberfreakbread are you pyro16:37
BReaking Ballsno16:40
Tabby The Bunnyyeah he is16:41
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljhe heavy16:42
Foog da Cyberfreakwho tf16:43
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIyeah he is16:44
[STV Stats] RED spent 10.6 seconds after spawning before healing17:42
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljello laurie :D18:30
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljwtf21:07
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljLET ME KILL HIM21:09
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljyour mean :(21:31
avanHey Guys21:48
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljSTOP21:52
avanLets Do Fresh21:53
the voices in my headFRESH THIRD MAP21:53
the voices in my headI WANT TO SNIPE21:59
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljSTOP22:33
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIez23:09
STAY - The Kid LAROI:(23:13
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 27 seconds23:20
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 40 seconds before using it23:27
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIwtf23:51
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljN1TE GOING TO MY FRAG23:55
STAY - The Kid LAROI:(24:00
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysoulj:(24:17
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIdabshdabydaybda24:46
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.0 seconds after spawning before healing24:49
the voices in my head!votemenu25:14
Foog da Cyberfreakuh26:06
Foog da Cyberfreakfragger26:55
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljWTF26:57
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljTEEJAY26:59
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljnvm27:02
Tabby The Bunnywe lost when avan joined27:06
Tabby The Bunnygod fucking dammit27:09
[SM] "teejay" ("STEAM_0:0:772434083") started a vote to kick "Xi".28:03
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:04
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:05
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:05
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:05
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:06
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:06
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljwtf28:07
[SM] Vote cast for yes.28:08
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljwhy28:08
KaYSewho tf28:08
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:09
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.5 seconds after spawning before healing28:09
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:11
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:13
[SM] Vote cast for no.28:17
[SM] Vote failed. Received: "7" Required: "12"28:33
Tabby The Bunnyavan diff man28:35
avanim not playing with this lag28:44
avanits teleporting28:49
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljfuk29:03
Tabby The Bunnytobu?29:13
Tabby The Bunnytobuuu?29:15
avandamn teejay is a bit different today29:41
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 40 seconds29:57
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 75 seconds before using it30:03
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIYESSS30:28
Tabby The BunnyMY MEDIC30:32
Tabby The BunnyTHERE IS NO ESCAPE30:36
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.6 seconds after spawning before healing30:49
Tabby The Bunnythis engie SO FREE31:22
teejayhey sexy boysss31:35
I’m An Island Boy - FlyysouljIS THAT THE REAL TEEJAY31:42
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIreal aishou31:47
้้BallBust - The Kid LAROIWHO LET BRO COOK32:08
avanI Won this ROund32:10
the voices in my headits lagging more and more32:34
Xidid the hs hit32:43
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljcace33:16
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljit not even finished33:19
Xii need sub after this round33:31
the voices in my headok33:35
Xii g2g33:36
Tabby The BunnyAVAN SNIPER?33:37
the voices in my headi got u33:38
Tabby The BunnyAYO33:38
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljenough please34:23
aishouNeed Sub?34:26
KaYSeI MUST34:31
I’m An Island Boy - Flyysouljthis is the 5th time i have to go back to spawn34:40
[STV Stats] BLU spent 17.4 seconds after spawning before healing35:34
aishoui can sub36:20
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.36:21
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.36:21
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...36:21