demos.tfaboutviewereditor #1333936 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 1 years go

DigyB5257411T.w² | Beezwax99
Sketch used SPLASH23148310christopher
Maximalsound211141016Mercy Main
Asura is my pimp0511



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Sketch used SPLASHchater?00:04
T.w² | Beezwax99100% acc on hawk00:10
T.w² | Beezwax99he says00:12
T.w² | Beezwax99srs or not00:21
hawkkits a fucking joke fam00:39
T.w² | Beezwax99its not a joke00:42
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 38 seconds before using it01:45
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 46 seconds before using it01:49
Hudy_boss!rep our scout 104:59
Maximalsounddon't ask question05:04
platinum!rep our scout 105:05
T.w² | Beezwax99i ask question 05:07
T.w² | Beezwax99where ur scout gon05:10
Mercy Main!rep their scout 105:15
Maximalsoundgood question05:17
T.w² | Beezwax99!rep their scou t105:19
T.w² | Beezwax99fucker05:21
T.w² | Beezwax99!rep their scout t105:24
T.w² | Beezwax99NO05:25
Sketch used SPLASH!rep our scout 105:28
T.w² | Beezwax99!REP THEIR SCOUT 105:29
T.w² | Beezwax99DO ITTT05:31
T.w² | Beezwax99YOOO05:32
T.w² | Beezwax99bruh05:39
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.9 seconds after spawning before healing05:39
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 51 seconds before using it06:07
T.w² | Beezwax99we reported you so fast06:20
hawkkfor wat06:28
T.w² | Beezwax99it said out of game so i also assume u bailed06:28
T.w² | Beezwax99idk06:29
T.w² | Beezwax99u left it said out of game06:34
Hudy_bossyea you rq06:36
hawkki got kicked out of the server06:37
Sketch used SPLASHi just get fucked 07:30
Asura is my pimpge ge07:38
T.w² | Beezwax99do u like getting fucked07:40
Asura is my pimpvery07:44
Asura is my pimpharder07:45
Asura is my pimppleas07:47
T.w² | Beezwax99ok07:49
hawkkidfk how that happend bro07:52
T.w² | Beezwax99i cant do that i play bfb07:53
Asura is my pimpbfb?07:59
T.w² | Beezwax99baby face08:03
hawkksee , it happens to maximal as well08:12
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.4 seconds after spawning before healing08:12
hawkkbroken site08:21
T.w² | Beezwax99so ur both straight up crashing08:23
Mercy Main!rep their roamer08:23
T.w² | Beezwax99idk what tf goin on homie08:38
Sketch used SPLASHevery game cursed tonight09:03
Sketch used SPLASHso cursed09:16
T.w² | Beezwax99my loadout is cursed bullshit09:20
Sketch used SPLASHevery lobby cursed09:29
Sketch used SPLASHyou ok max10:09
Maximalsoundwtf happening tonight10:10
platinumare you running your internet on toaster max?10:17
Sketch used SPLASHall lobbies are cursed10:19
Maximalsoundkeep getting disconect and laggy 10:22
Asura is my pimpjust gonna go back to palying league10:31
Maximalsoundlul i nver10:38
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.9 seconds after spawning before healing11:17
Asura is my pimpfuck my femboy ass fr11:30
Sketch used SPLASHplz can the next lobby just not be a cunt11:30
Asura is my pimpge ge11:31
T.w² | Beezwax99oh11:33
T.w² | Beezwax99i will be there11:38
T.w² | Beezwax99so i cunt11:40
T.w² | Beezwax99mama mia11:46
Sketch used SPLASHweve had 4 rounds with 5 players12:09
T.w² | Beezwax99sorry12:17
T.w² | Beezwax99med12:18
Asura is my pimpwa da hell12:19
T.w² | Beezwax99bfb12:23
Sketch used SPLASHand every game i have played tonight has been absolute shit12:27
T.w² | Beezwax99u saw me on mid now im in ur face12:32
Sketch used SPLASHdisconnects and bullshit rq12:36
Sketch used SPLASHi just want a normal game12:43
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 40 seconds before using it13:03
Sketch used SPLASHgg13:16
T.w² | Beezwax99obunga13:19
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.13:31
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.13:31
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...13:31