demos.tfaboutviewereditor #1337203 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 1 years go

Autokrab <394824726<GNGWD> CrocAsaurus
Jar O' Slav Catch In Ski22314201230SomEe_one
Robot Rock1282625919Mong
MGE EMELIA3310201239unicorn
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center7152329140The Notorious Milker



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[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 97% uber00:55
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.7 seconds after spawning before healing01:20
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerdam01:42
[STV Stats] RED spent 16.5 seconds after spawning before healing02:18
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.2 seconds after spawning before healing02:25
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.1 seconds after spawning before healing03:20
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.1 seconds after spawning before healing04:21
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.8 seconds after spawning before healing04:30
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centergabby no sound04:58
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerwhat is this team05:27
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.7 seconds after spawning before healing05:45
The Notorious Milkeroh ffs lol05:51
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.2 seconds after spawning before healing06:17
The Notorious Milkeryuck kritz06:55
The Notorious Milkerdoes noone watch the flank09:11
[STV Stats] BLU spent 8.9 seconds after spawning before healing09:32
Autokrab <3!rep me10:02
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centernoob down10:36
Mong*DEAD* pijuka : hope u family explodes mong10:40
[STV Stats] RED's medic died with 96% uber11:01
The Notorious Milkerhow11:03
The Notorious Milkeri love team blaming11:18
[STV Stats] RED spent 21.9 seconds after spawning before healing12:39
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.6 seconds after spawning before healing12:51
[STV Stats] BLU spent 11.3 seconds after spawning before healing14:03
The Notorious Milker!rep our demo14:18
<GNGWD> CrocAsaurus!rep our demo14:26
SomEe_one!rep our demo14:37
<GNGWD> CrocAsaurusplease14:37
dimebag!rep our demo14:42
Mong*DEAD* pijuka : hope u family explodes mong15:08
The Notorious Milker1 uber game16:59
The Notorious Milkerim so good at med17:02
[STV Stats] BLU spent 7.4 seconds after spawning before healing17:12
[STV Stats] RED spent 18.3 seconds after spawning before healing17:16
[STV Stats] RED spent 16.3 seconds after spawning before healing18:24
The Notorious Milker30 death game when19:04
The Notorious Milker(now)19:12
gabbylets gooo19:17
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center!rep my roamer20:46
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center!rep our roamer20:50
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center!rep our pocket20:53
[STV Stats] RED spent 21.2 seconds after spawning before healing23:18
The Notorious Milkerhuh????23:33
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.1 seconds after spawning before healing23:52
The Notorious Milkereasier than a speedshot ig24:19
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.4 seconds after spawning before healing24:41
[STV Stats] RED spent 15.4 seconds after spawning before healing26:21
The Notorious Milkergigachad roamer shotgun26:49
MGE EMELIAty :D26:57
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerah26:57
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerused to be normal back in my days27:06
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.5 seconds after spawning before healing27:10
[STV Stats] BLU spent 18.7 seconds after spawning before healing27:14
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center!rep our demo27:33
The Notorious Milkerim hiding for the next 2 minutes istg27:34
The Notorious Milker27 deaths27:40
kicri!rep our medic27:47
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center(Voice) kicri: Spy!27:48
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Center'that medic is a bloody spy'27:57
The Notorious Milkerfuck sake 27:59
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerjee i wonder how this whole community always say this after i show some of the info im holding28:19
[STV Stats] RED spent 29.4 seconds after spawning before healing28:21
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerlike28:23
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerinstant28:25
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centeralways so ready on the bind28:29
MGE EMELIAmaybe u should mentor all of us28:32
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerthe moment i unravel this shit28:41
The Notorious Milkerwhat shigt28:46
iveR Random 👌 #TF2Centerwhos paying you29:30
dimebagwho 29:37
The Notorious MilkerYES30:05
Monggg ez30:06
<GNGWD> CrocAsaurusgg30:07
The Notorious Milker29 D30:07