demos.tfaboutviewereditor #539153 - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 5 months ago

WCB KamiBLM29537281842redfullyyyyyyyy
meatballfreak2012321138serious person
i gyatt to have this16326171743translucent
the gyatt whisperer2473417118Lucent get the fuck in here
The Black Heavy210251036sm0key
b4nny rape vs nurseys newborn00111394beats beats beats beats beats



Toggle Chat
WCB KamiBLMStep back.03:49
WCB KamiBLMStep back.03:57
kevin2nd pipe went where03:59
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad04:08
WCB KamiBLMStep back.05:15
WCB KamiBLM*DEAD* 『ᴎioƆ』 : *DEAD*05:36
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad05:36
kevin1 of y'all get off pyro06:05
b4nny rape vs nurseys newbornyo who need help fr06:10
the gyatt whispererred06:14
the gyatt whispererme me me06:15
beats beats beats beats beatsyou06:16
b4nny rape vs nurseys newbornwho?06:27
translucentari change that name tf06:35
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 17 seconds06:37
pops8790b4nstar: lets get riiight into the foood!! *looks at yomps with an apple in mouth on the lan dinner table*06:42
pops8790b4nstar: lets get riiight into the foood!! *looks at yomps with an apple in mouth on the lan dinner table*06:43
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 51 seconds before using it06:52
[STV Stats] BLU spent 13.0 seconds after spawning before healing08:15
kevinshit on08:33
kevini saw that08:34
WCB KamiBLMhard-r luck08:42
WCB KamiBLMcant be too explicit might have opps here08:49
WCB KamiBLMdont09:46
circusyahomes my goat10:09
WCB KamiBLMso free10:10
circushes goating 10:13
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad10:17
WCB KamiBLMStep back.10:24
circusooahoahoa aoahoaohoahh 10:28
WCB KamiBLMstop trying little bro10:29
redfullyyyyyyyyive ego'd you like 3 times now 10:38
WCB KamiBLMt10:50
WCB KamiBLMto ez10:54
translucentdudei cant 10:57
The Black HeavyWho Need Help11:17
circuswho the freakj11:33
circusblack heavuy11:34
circusget him back in there11:46
The Black HeavyWho11:58
circusi cant wait to see invite level gameplay12:22
WCB KamiBLMfree asl12:28
WCB KamiBLM7v6 no fair12:48
The Black Heavyi think blue team needs support13:16
The Black Heavy#FREEBLUETEAM13:19
Tavionis that the real heavy 13:23
circusblack heavy you gotta get inthere13:27
circushelp them out13:29
The Black Heavyomw13:30
circusGO 13:48
circusKILL THEM13:51
WCB KamiBLMi was so nice to u14:10
WCB KamiBLMand u do this to me14:15
The Black Heavy😭😭😭😭😭😭15:04
TavionSUB ME IN DEMO!15:06
The Black Heavy😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭15:06
The Black Heavysub me in15:52
circusoh nah16:26
circusguys red team needs a medic16:38
circusi think i need to step in16:41
meatballfreakits OKAY16:45
beats beats beats beats beatsno16:46
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 36 seconds before using it17:00
the gyatt whispererEz gg no re17:20
The Black Heavylets play17:23
WCB KamiBLMstop17:39
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad17:42
WCB KamiBLMStep back.18:26
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad18:30
WCB KamiBLMsmokey rage demo18:39
sm0keymy goat18:45
WCB KamiBLMdont18:52
sm0keybruh wtf18:55
kevinsit down lmao18:59
kevingg ez no re19:43
WCB KamiBLMteam gap19:44
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad19:45
redfullyyyyyyyytrolled ☒ not trolled☐19:48
beats beats beats beats beatsez21:11
pops8790shut up queer21:16
kevinmgelord down21:16
pops8790I will rape you21:24
kevinim a minor21:30
WCB KamiBLMStep back.21:49
circuskevin youre supposed to be 13 to have discord21:51
kevinim above 1321:56
kevina minor is 16 and below...22:06
circusso being 17 is an adult now...22:49
kevinin my state yeah22:57
redfullyyyyyyyy( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)23:08
redfullyyyyyyyytrolled ☒ not trolled☐23:08
kevinage of consent in texas is 17?23:10
circusofc texas23:20
WCB KamiBLMstupid ni23:46
WCB KamiBLMdumb NI23:48
WCB KamiBLMon heavy23:49
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad23:51
redfullyyyyyyyy( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)23:55
kevincircus 17 and 18 are reasonable ages to be adults?23:56
pops8790who else hates minorities23:58
translucenti gotta keep the baboon at bay24:10
circusthats a southerner mindset24:16
kevinits not24:20
kevinsome states have 16524:23
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 37 seconds before using it24:36
kevinyou must like be a retard circus from what im hearing24:48
redfullyyyyyyyytrolled ☒ not trolled☐24:52
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad24:56
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad24:57
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad24:58
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad25:01
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad25:03
sm0key*DEAD* pops8790 : shut up queer25:05
sm0keyfist you got raped25:35
meatballfreakyou only hit a single pipe after i was weak with no heals25:47
sm0keystill raped lol25:56
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!26:02
translucenti got trippled bombed27:28
beats beats beats beats beatsthey told me I'm in red team29:31
ethan morles fuck ulol29:36
ethan morles fuck unice29:39
kevini love b4nny30:05
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad30:08
redfullyyyyyyyymad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad mad bad30:09
WCB KamiBLMggg30:09
beats beats beats beats beatslater30:12
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14