
FBTF | São Paulo @ Sonikro Solutions - RED vs }BLU


Demo uploaded by ss sonikro bzg 4 months ago

bruno21341221Calamity fortune
jay cutler2035720sunk
Vitin com teclado que nao é de1241069Ug4L
᲼Esniker74173515fernan el crack carajo
v1tinho rizz god52143191Bito



Toggle Chat
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds03:01
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:56
[Pause] Game was paused by jay cutler05:01
[Pause] Ubercharges are saved05:01
fernan el crack carajo : f13:18
J_peg : he rage quit D:<<<<<13:18
Bito : lo mataste esniker13:18
fernan el crack carajo : U-U13:18
Bito : gracias13:18
v1tinho rizz god : vcs são obrigados a aceitarem um compleat13:18
᲼Esniker : si13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute13:18
᲼Esniker : tendremos que llamar al arma secreta13:18
᲼Esniker : dova de bear13:18
Bito : vc nao pode chamar compleat13:18
Calamity fortune : NOOOO13:18
Bito : obg13:18
᲼Esniker : pero por que no queri que llamemos XD13:18
Calamity fortune : lionzera pq vc joga con vitin13:18
Gustyago : no se lo merece ese tipo13:18
᲼Esniker : es solo para jugar13:18
v1tinho rizz god : la resposta e tu team nombre13:18
v1tinho rizz god : humilde.13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes13:18
᲼Esniker : quiero jugar mi mix mensual de tf2213:18
Calamity fortune : increivel... humildad13:18
Calamity fortune : vc antes era dealer e traficante... agora e buddha e humilde amen13:18
Gustyago : com e q vcs tem 12 pessoas em sua roster e n pode jogar13:18
J_peg : xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd13:18
Ph4rad0x : :( Comentário maldosos.13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes13:18
Calamity fortune : hi jpeg can you sign item for free? :D?13:18
J_peg : sure :DDD13:18
᲼Esniker : hell sign if you let us call unlead13:18
᲼Esniker : im his manager13:18
Calamity fortune : tbh I rly want one, I used to watch a lot of your videos when i started13:18
fernan el crack carajo : no creo q jpeg sepa qn es unlead13:18
᲼Esniker : yo creo que tu tio te tocaba y nadie me pregunto13:18
fernan el crack carajo : what the sigma13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 5 minutes13:18
Bito : unpause?13:18
Bito : :)13:18
fernan el crack carajo : do you guys knew unlead diffed b4nny like 10 years ago :)13:18
v1tinho rizz god : parei de traficar13:18
v1tinho rizz god : agora to na igreja manitos13:18
Calamity fortune : boa irmao13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 6 minutes13:18
sunk : :V13:18
Calamity fortune : melhor estilo de vida13:18
sunk : :-v13:18
sunk : :_v13:18
sunk : =v13:18
᲼Esniker : ahora en tf213:18
sunk : =_v13:18
J_peg : :o13:18
J_peg : :P13:18
sunk : -v-13:18
fernan el crack carajo : w-w13:18
Ph4rad0x : he is joinin13:18
Ph4rad0x : ç.ç13:18
J_peg : o_O13:18
Ph4rad0x : >;>13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 7 minutes13:18
᲼Esniker : o_o13:18
᲼Esniker : o_<13:18
J_peg : $_$13:18
Calamity fortune : O_O13:18
J_peg : :O13:18
᲼Esniker : #humilde cuando no es humilde13:18
᲼Esniker : x13:18
fernan el crack carajo : pq13:18
᲼Esniker : se tenia que ir13:18
Calamity fortune : AJAJAJAJAJAJA13:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...13:18
[Pause] Game is unpaused!13:18
v1tinho rizz god : quem?13:18
Ph4rad0x : ???13:18
Ph4rad0x : who is that13:18
᲼Esniker : doctoranonimus13:18
᲼Esniker : ddosser tf213:18
Calamity fortune : doctor anonimo...13:18
᲼Esniker : gabe newel13:18
[Pause] Game has been paused for 8 minutes13:18
[Pause] Type repause in the console to let in Doctor_Anonimous13:18
v1tinho rizz god : who is?13:18
fernan el crack carajo : NENJEJNF????13:18
fernan el crack carajo : QUE MIERDA13:18
Calamity fortune : ams13:18
Gustyago : ?13:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by v1tinho rizz god...13:18
Bito : ?13:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...13:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...13:18
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...13:18
Bitotenho uber13:28
fernan el crack carajoguys we have uber13:29
Gustyagotemos uber13:29
[Pause] Game was paused by v1tinho rizz god13:30
[Pause] Ubercharges are saved13:30
Ug4L : andate ctrm14:32
᲼Esniker : doctor anonimus14:32
fernan el crack carajo : les pasaste la connect esniker?14:32
*SPEC* Doctor_Anonimous : Pibes, yo soolo vengo a disfrutar de este tf214:32
᲼Esniker : XDDDDDD14:32
᲼Esniker : WTF QUIEN ES14:32
fernan el crack carajo : el yuru14:32
[Pause] Type repause in the console to let in J_peg14:32
[Pause] Type repause in the console to let in SourceTV14:32
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute14:32
[Pause] Game was repaused by ᲼Esniker14:32
*SPEC* Doctor_Anonimous : No se preoucupen, yo solo estoy para ver14:32
fernan el crack carajo : te game bugged14:32
Calamity fortune : uber bugou14:32
᲼Esniker : el jugador que destruyo tf214:32
Gustyago : ?14:32
[Pause] Game was repaused by ᲼Esniker14:37
[Pause] Type repause in the console to let in Vitin com teclado que nao é de14:37
*SPEC* SourceTV : hi jpeg im fan15:08
J_peg : :DDD15:08
J_peg : gg15:08
fernan el crack carajo : is fair paly15:08
᲼Esniker : sourcetv15:08
J_peg : true15:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by v1tinho rizz god...15:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...15:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...15:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...15:08
fernan el crack carajo : pause gave us uber 15:08
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...15:08
[Pause] Game is unpaused!15:08
J_peg : hello15:08
fernan el crack carajo : the game bugged15:08
*SPEC* SourceTV : hola 15:08
fernan el crack carajo : jpeg15:08
fernan el crack carajo : we have uber15:08
[Pause] Ubercharges are saved15:31
[Pause] Game was paused by Gustyago15:31
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...18:37
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...18:37
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...18:37
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...18:37
[Pause] Game is unpaused!18:37
Oiac. : go?18:37
*SPEC* lego tv : oi manitos :)18:37
*SPEC* SourceTV : hola lego tv18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : OI LEGO TV TF218:37
J_peg : LEGOS :DDD18:37
Ph4rad0x : ??????18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : sourcetv experience18:37
*SPEC* lego tv : im streaminbg manitos18:37
*SPEC* SourceTV : como entro18:37
*SPEC* lego tv : say hi to camera18:37
v1tinho rizz god : só streama a desgraça né lego18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : hi to nibba18:37
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute18:37
*SPEC* SourceTV : how i enter to game 18:37
*SPEC* SourceTV : !add18:37
v1tinho rizz god : quando minha line ta forte vc n vem18:37
Oiac. : 135 ms : lego tv18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : ban sourcetv18:37
v1tinho rizz god : a stream é TV18:37
Gustyago : ngm e de vcs?18:37
Calamity fortune : que match caotica18:37
v1tinho rizz god : ?18:37
Gustyago : vou a pegar unpause entao18:37
J_peg : :o18:37
Calamity fortune : tenemos uber18:37
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes18:37
Calamity fortune : se bugeo antes18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : nosotros no tenemos aun18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : momento nigga18:37
fernan el crack carajo : ok fair play18:37
Calamity fortune : como18:37
Calamity fortune : LISTOO18:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : momento latinoamericano18:37
Calamity fortune : dicelo a la policia deltf218:37
*DEAD* ᲼Esniker : soy latino, puedo decirlo18:37
fernan el crack carajo : jpeg farm uber18:37
Gustyago : go18:37
J_peg : yes 18:37
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes18:37
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Gustyago...18:37
fernan el crack carajomake us know when you have uber18:58
Calamity fortuneavisen18:58
Calamity fortunecuando tengan19:01
Ph4rad0xwe have19:03
Calamity fortuneokei19:04
Gustyagookey go19:07
fernan el crack carajook+19:07
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds21:18
v1tinho rizz godbruno vai completar pra nos22:52
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds22:57
v1tinho rizz godnominate27:53
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload27:54
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...27:54