
Matcha Bookable - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 1 months ago

Exusiai16925201536scraping pearls on the roadside
obee | Buying QSs'23721141439funeral parlour director
Kungfu Reyes2272919620Atmarla
jump beef participent28430110Lord Of The Heavenly Prison
Jesus balling esports3121614621Reverie's edge
15184🐰 abit of zoe



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250216-1219-cp_process_f12.dem00:03
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:05
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 0, RED 0.00:05
[Matcha] 30:00 remaining; starting round 1.00:05
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[Matcha] Please make sure your POV is being recorded, Good luck and have fun!00:05
Kungfu Reyes?00:53
scraping pearls on the roadsideCAN WE JUST GO GULLYWASH LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE00:58
scraping pearls on the roadsideTHIS MAP IS SO RETARDED01:01
Kungfu ReyesLMAOO01:01
jump beef participentthis is true01:08
scraping pearls on the roadsidetheres a reason why this map was inactive since 201502:16
scraping pearls on the roadsideBTW02:17
scraping pearls on the roadsidetheres a reason02:21
Reverie's edgewhy are we playing this map02:27
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 17 seconds02:42
scraping pearls on the roadsideWATCHING B4NNY MAP TALK RN02:45
scraping pearls on the roadside?03:07
Kungfu ReyesLMAO03:13
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 69 seconds before using it03:51
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 90 seconds before using it03:52
obee | Buying QSs'why is there a pyro on 2nd06:05
scraping pearls on the roadside#denied06:11
tirabanned from tdm06:13
jump beef participentyo06:18
tiraim watching you06:20
jump beef participentfuck u pyro06:20
[STV Stats] RED spent 5.8 seconds after spawning before healing06:26
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 99 seconds before using it06:41
scraping pearls on the roadsideღ Jun. : i dont want content or toki07:23
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 40 seconds before using it08:00
nigherWTF IS THIS SHIT08:09
scraping pearls on the roadsideASTRONAUT09:36
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds09:40
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, RED 0.09:40
[Matcha] 20:24 remaining; starting round 2.09:40
scraping pearls on the roadsideCAN WE JUST GULLYWAHS11:10
scraping pearls on the roadsideCAN WE PUT TO VOT11:13
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds11:29
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, RED 1.11:29
[Matcha] 18:35 remaining; starting round 3.11:29
scraping pearls on the roadsidehes on the thing12:27
Kungfu ReyesLMAOO12:29
scraping pearls on the roadsidefart is on the thingy12:31
Jesus balling esportsthis scout is the best12:33
obee | Buying QSs'3 PEOPLE ON HIGH12:40
obee | Buying QSs'HAHAHAHA12:41
scraping pearls on the roadsideMED TOOK 8013:08
scraping pearls on the roadsideIM JUST DONE WITH THIS MAP13:11
scraping pearls on the roadsideCAN WE JUST VOTEMAP13:17
scraping pearls on the roadsidefkign shitass soldier13:44
scraping pearls on the roadsideon me13:45
scraping pearls on the roadsidenoob kiyo13:50
[STV Stats] RED spent 15.4 seconds after spawning before healing13:56
Jesus balling esportsbody block gun15:22
Jesus balling esportsking15:23
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds15:28
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 2, RED 1.15:28
[Matcha] 14:36 remaining; starting round 4.15:28
scraping pearls on the roadsideYES!15:58
scraping pearls on the roadsideMEDIC DOWN!16:01
Jesus balling esportswhy is med playing the point17:38
Jesus balling esportswp17:40
scraping pearls on the roadside2007 strats only17:41
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds17:44
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, RED 1.17:44
[Matcha] 12:20 remaining; starting round 5.17:44
Kungfu ReyesLMAO18:18
Jesus balling esportsWHY IS MY ENTRE TEAM IN HOUSE18:25
Atmarlain house party18:30
Lord Of The Heavenly Prisoncause im the better coach18:40
scraping pearls on the roadsideqthu93w0=9-0=o-t\]l[;18:50
scraping pearls on the roadsideNothing Happened19:02
scraping pearls on the roadside2j04u9ti1o=t0kyo24hjnpo5ytk[p3]l;19:34
scraping pearls on the roadsideWHAT IS THIS CHATGPT MOVEMENT19:40
scraping pearls on the roadsideI DO NOT RECONGNIZE MOVEMENTS LIKE THIS19:52
[STV Stats] BLU spent 6.8 seconds after spawning before healing20:24
scraping pearls on the roadsideA Good Mentality Is How We Win20:43
scraping pearls on the roadside5niot0324o=i0y]kjpk32lmop2k[[t21:08
Kungfu Reyes?21:08
scraping pearls on the roadsidei do not understand this map21:18
scraping pearls on the roadsidei am not ancient 2007 unc21:23
[STV Stats] BLU lost their uber advantage of 15 seconds21:31
[STV Stats] BLU had uber for 37 seconds before using it21:54
funeral parlour directorWTF22:08
scraping pearls on the roadsidehow is that fkking scout so healthy22:17
scraping pearls on the roadsidei hit him like 10022:21
scraping pearls on the roadside?22:30
scraping pearls on the roadsidenice soldier22:32
scraping pearls on the roadsidepav22:32
scraping pearls on the roadsideHELP ME!23:00
Kungfu ReyesDOKU?23:00
Kungfu ReyesLMAOO23:01
scraping pearls on the roadside?23:03
[STV Stats] BLU's medic died with 96% uber23:12
Jesus balling esportsLOOSE CANNON IS THE JUICE23:18
jump beef participentdonked drop23:19
[STV Stats] RED spent 12.6 seconds after spawning before healing23:39
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.7 seconds after spawning before healing23:40
scraping pearls on the roadsideSTOP SAYING THE N WORD!24:44
[STV Stats] BLU spent 10.9 seconds after spawning before healing24:51
Jesus balling esportswp25:28
scraping pearls on the roadside3pmotqji0=w-=lp][t,q32;]'25:29
scraping pearls on the roadsidefk25:30
nigherwhat the pencil25:46
jump beef participentpencils25:51
nigherur a pedo kiyo26:18
Kungfu Reyeswtf26:20
scraping pearls on the roadside?26:20
obee | Buying QSs'huh26:21
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds26:21
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 4, RED 1.26:21
[Matcha] 03:43 remaining; starting round 6.26:21
nigherwhy tunnel ngr26:26
Reverie's edge.ss27:01
Jesus balling esportsYOU GUYS ARE SO SHIT27:01
scraping pearls on the roadside.ss27:04
obee | Buying QSs'WTF28:12
scraping pearls on the roadsidei didnt even see him btw28:36
scraping pearls on the roadside?28:39
scraping pearls on the roadsident backcap28:41
scraping pearls on the roadsidepav28:42
scraping pearls on the roadside?29:14
Kungfu ReyesLMAOO29:15
scraping pearls on the roadsidedont even29:17
Jesus balling esportsquestion marking my newbibes?29:24
Jesus balling esports*newbibes29:28
Jesus balling esportsNewbies29:30
Atmarlaifun must die 29:49
Lord Of The Heavenly Prisonim using this sercere29:54
Lord Of The Heavenly Prisonserver29:57
obee | Buying QSs'this map is so aids30:00
Kungfu Reyesbitch30:04
Atmarlayes it is 30:05
scraping pearls on the roadsidegg30:08
Lord Of The Heavenly Prisonnvm i need hk30:09
Jesus balling esports.ss30:10
Kungfu Reyesggs30:10
Reverie's edge.ss30:10
[Matcha] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload30:14
[Matcha] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[ProperPregame] Existing class limits have been saved and will be restored on match start.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14