
Matcha Bookable - TOLOLO vs BLU


Demo uploaded by avan_シ 1 months ago

Klukai221420191518Sixes rica
fashion killa001241926McFagToast Deluxe
Bl4ck!nk arthur.3292129418funeral parlour director
I've Finally Found You.2642822729ehheeh
zionism is dogshit3372017936shooter of bad guys
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.1662017176oliver



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[]: Demo recording completed0:00
[]: Uploading demo auto-20250218-1442-cp_process_f12.dem00:03
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds00:05
[Matcha] Please make sure your POV is being recorded, Good luck and have fun!00:05
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 0, TOLOLO 0.00:05
[Matcha] 30:00 remaining; starting round 1.00:05
[]: Demos must be at least 5 minutes long00:05
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.2 seconds after spawning before healing01:11
Bl4ck!nk arthur.LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!?02:50
Bl4ck!nk arthur.702:52
[STV Stats] RED spent 7.8 seconds after spawning before healing03:26
fashion killaContent — 2/14/2025 1:29 AMDiv: Main-InnerClass: ScoutAvailability: Wednesday & Weekends, other days are usually dependent04:24
fashion killaContent — 2/14/2025 1:29 AMDiv: Main-InnerClass: ScoutAvailability: Wednesday & Weekends, other days are usually dependent04:25
fashion killaLOL04:26
Bl4ck!nk arthur.XXD04:29
fashion killacontent posted this in the ozfortress discord04:35
Bl4ck!nk cooked ;skull;04:38
fashion killa4 days ago04:39
McFagToast DeluxeWHY NO DET?04:50
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.sheesh04:53
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds04:56
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, TOLOLO 0.04:56
[Matcha] 25:08 remaining; starting round 2.04:56
fashion killaLOL05:42
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.wtf05:42
fashion killaLMAOOO05:43
fashion killaLMAOOO05:44
fashion killaLMAOO05:45
shooter of bad guys???06:08
Bl4ck!nk arthur.?????????????????????????????06:16
shooter of bad guyssimply diffed06:23
funeral parlour directorsac?????08:26
[STV Stats] BLU's medic DROPPED!08:37
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.KLMAO08:38
McFagToast DeluxeDUDE GET IN08:44
[STV Stats] RED had uber for 112 seconds before using it08:48
Bl4ck!nk arthur.LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!?09:18
zionism is dogshit( T ʖ̯ T)09:22
zionism is dogshit(/ 'o')/ _I___I_09:22
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds09:26
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 1, TOLOLO 1.09:26
[Matcha] 20:38 remaining; starting round 3.09:26
ehheehyow my demo11:00
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds12:32
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 2, TOLOLO 1.12:32
[Matcha] 17:32 remaining; starting round 4.12:32
[STV Stats] RED spent 8.7 seconds after spawning before healing13:33
Bl4ck!nk seen so so13:34
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.LMAO13:50
fashion killai can sub your dissapearing demo14:00
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 12 seconds14:48
zionism is dogshitwtf14:59
zionism is dogshityou didnt need to do all at15:03
[STV Stats] BLU spent 5.8 seconds after spawning before healing15:20
Bl4ck!nk arthur.funny....15:25
fashion killaany subbers16:53
fashion killaim fking desperate to play16:56
fashion killaim like a crack addict17:00
ehheehwhy dhit18:28
fashion killaStop Trolling18:57
fashion killaBannable Offense19:01
fashion killalf report19:05
fashion killadude this kritz sucks fat cock19:18
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.nt mr pavkin19:23
shooter of bad guysyummy19:30
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.LMAO19:36
fashion killaWTF WAS THAT19:37
Bl4ck!nk arthur.XDDD19:44
Bl4ck!nk arthur.eza19:51
fashion killaWORST KRITZ IVE EVER SEEN19:51
fashion killa.ss20:01
[STV Stats] RED lost their uber advantage of 10 seconds20:05
fashion killahow does kiyo have 350 dpm20:11
fashion killafking horrific team20:14
fashion killaletting open noob farm20:23
oliverarent you 520:30
RunDomRunplease shut the fuck up20:32
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.jump mf20:41
fashion killaim like invite20:49
[STV Stats] BLU spent 9.2 seconds after spawning before healing20:50
fashion killain zimbabwean invite20:55
fashion killachampion of angolan invite21:07
fashion killanice champ21:40
fashion killa0 damage spam kiyo21:45
ehheehwhere team22:06
fashion killainvite strats only22:24
Bl4ck!nk arthur.Z22:26
fashion killainvite strats only22:27
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.sheesh sheesh22:30
shooter of bad guysinvite22:32
fashion killatdmpugs strats only22:34
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds22:34
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, TOLOLO 1.22:34
[Matcha] 07:30 remaining; starting round 5.22:34
Bl4ck!nk arthur.shut ur nigger ass up :322:35
Bl4ck!nk arthur.LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!? LOL!?23:13
Bl4ck!nk arthur.wrong hold23:21
fashion killaloo23:47
fashion killathey not like us23:50
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.they not like us23:56
Bl4ck!nk arthur.kendick23:58
fashion killatheyy not like us24:03
Bl4ck!nk arthur.wap wap24:04
fashion killa?24:47
fashion killaxero24:48
fashion killaWHAT IN THE 4 MAN24:53
fashion killaclearcut ahh 4 man sac24:59
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.sheeshh25:00
shooter of bad guysmy bad team25:01
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds25:07
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, TOLOLO 2.25:07
[Matcha] 04:57 remaining; starting round 6.25:07
fashion killayDiv: Main-InnerClass: ScoutAvailability: Wednesday & Weekends, other days are usually dependent on whenever the game starts. 25:11
fashion killaDiv: Main-InnerClass: ScoutAvailability: Wednesday & Weekends, other days are usually dependent on whenever the game starts. 25:14
fashion killaahh 4 man sac25:16
fashion killaContent — 2/14/2025 1:29 AMDiv: Main-InnerClass: ScoutAvailability: Wednesday & Weekends, other days are usually dependent25:20
fashion killa4 man sac ahh25:22
[STV Stats] RED spent 13.2 seconds after spawning before healing26:04
[STV Stats] BLU spent 14.0 seconds after spawning before healing26:37
fashion killa3 man sac when its their sac.26:56
fashion killamy mentor btw26:58
shooter of bad guysso true27:01
[STV Stats] RED spent 6.6 seconds after spawning before healing27:55
Bl4ck!nk arthur.gege28:32
shooter of bad guyshuge find28:34
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.u should like29:05
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.kys mr pavkin29:08
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.erm pav?29:37
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.pav?29:38
shooter of bad guyserm29:40
fashion killa'your up by 2 dont throw now ahh team'29:40
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.pavkin?>29:40
ehheehi m low niggg29:42
Overrode round timer time to 240 seconds29:45
[Matcha] Current Score: BLU 3, TOLOLO 3.29:45
[Matcha] 00:19 remaining; starting round 7.29:45
shooter of bad guysgg30:07
shooter of bad guys.ss30:08
Bl4ck!nk arthur.w30:09
Sixes ricaGg30:09
Temapalski "Nurzey" J.letz do 3rd guys30:09
Sixes rica.ss30:12
fashion killagoofed ahh team30:12
[Matcha] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[TF2 Competitive Fixes] Preventing whitelist reload30:14
[Matcha] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[ProperPregame] Existing class limits have been saved and will be restored on match start.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14