
Newbie Mixes - B-RED vs ready


Demo uploaded by KevinIsPwn | 3 years go

Bronze Pegasus74141279Nerd Sauce
[12v] pner105910620zemtrem
lil windy204134422SonofTide



Toggle Chat
Jaguar -lfp:o01:23
Real Kenny GBRUH MOMENT!!02:33
Real Kenny Gnerdsauce goes down!02:48
Real Kenny GWimpyspace goes down!03:12
Jaguar -lfpwe forgot that we fragged red medic on mid btw03:17
Real Kenny G'let's just jump in!' famous last words 08:13
Jaguar -lfplive and learn08:22
Jaguar -lfpdie and learn08:24
Jaguar -lfponly works in videogame, the 2nd one08:34
Real Kenny Gto learn you must spend at least 100 hours in the tf2 default training mode, to learn as gaben intended us to learn08:56
Real Kenny Gdid arm disconnect or something? i saw him just standing still 10:48
Real Kenny Gnvm they're back11:04
Real Kenny GTrench warfare on the western front (1914, colorized)11:56
Bronze Pegasushey my kdr is negative this game12:03
Jaguar -lfpthis game??12:12
Jaguar -lfpunprecedented12:15
Jaguar -lfp༼ᕤ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽ᕤ12:18
Real Kenny Gthe only thing that's going down in this game is the timer12:38
Real Kenny Garm idle13:28
Jaguar -lfphe lagin13:33
Bronze Pegasusnice shot h.14:16
Bronze Pegasushmm gamin18:08
Jaguar -lfpit's like 300 elo chess19:25
rafplayzis this spec only chat19:40
Real Kenny Gno19:43
Jaguar -lfpyes19:43
Real Kenny Goh19:46
Jaguar -lfpyes if you team chat19:47
Real Kenny Gmb19:47
Jaguar -lfpeveryone if you everyone chat19:54
Jaguar -lfpY/U19:58
Jaguar -lfpor T/Y20:01
Real Kenny G'no more stalemates, we push!' famous last words20:47
rafplayzso wassup has the first round not ended or is that a visual bug20:48
Jaguar -lfpyeah this is round 120:56
Jaguar -lfpclose teams20:59
Jaguar -lfp300 elo chess21:01
Real Kenny GJaguar is one map change away from insanity21:02
rafplayzI can just join a team vc as long as i stay muted?21:19
Real Kenny G^^ yes21:23
Real Kenny Gthat's what i'm doing21:26
Jaguar -lfpya21:29
rafplayzis it funny usually21:37
Real Kenny GOMEGATRONIC sound spam is not encouraged21:40
rafplayzwhen the Uber target is melee22:05
Real Kenny GReminder: you cannot build sentries as a Medic. pro tip.22:19
rafplayzi thought he could???22:35
rafplayzmy life is a lie22:37
Real Kenny GJUMP BEEF LOL22:39
rafplayzare they just waiting for one team to fuck up and then push23:15
Real Kenny Graf there have been like 2-3 stalemates this game where they just faceoff and wait for each other23:31
Real Kenny GWWI era trench warfare23:38
[12v] pner/t23:49
CrutchIt's on Blu to make a play! :O23:53
Real Kenny Gi don't want to watch stalemates i want to watch rolls24:05
Jaguar -lfphes right you know24:07
Jaguar -lfpcrutch that is24:11
rafplayzwatching rolls is as bad as watching stalemates change my mind24:22
Real Kenny Gfrom an entertainment perspective a roll is fun 2 watch24:41
Real Kenny Gmaybe not great for the players 24:46
Real Kenny Gbut when did i care about the ppl playing the game? they play for my amusement25:06
rafplayzheavy's having a little fun25:14
Jaguar -lfpwatcher of gladiators25:18
Real Kenny Gheavy's doing a bit of tomfoolery if you will25:24
rafplayzoh god red team fucked up25:43
Real Kenny Ggg26:12
[Pause] Game was paused by Jaguar -lfp26:12
[Pause] Updated version: Saves Ubercharge during pauses!26:12
aving ubercharge level for gimi26:12
aving ubercharge level for coke26:12
EAD* Bronze Pegasus : the demo clutch26:13
. : wtf26:13
EAD* Bronze Pegasus : gg26:13
rafplayzcan we talk in all chat?26:13
. : gg26:13
PEC* Jaguar -lfp : yes26:13
PEC* rafplayz : gr26:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 1 minute26:13
EAD* Bronze Pegasus : yo jag I got a 7:10 kdr26:13
EAD* Bronze Pegasus : that's probably my best26:13
onofTide : pog26:13
EAD* gimi : !log26:13
onofTide : !log26:13
EAD* [12v] pner : !log26:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 2 minutes26:13
EAD* zemtrem : !log26:13
EAD* coke : !log26:13
PEC* duckworth. : !log26:13
EAD* Scottt : !log26:13
onofTide : !log26:13
impySpace : !log26:13
. : nice bronze!26:13
. : !log26:13
EAD* lil windy : !log26:13
PEC* Jaguar -lfp : we are readyyyyyyyyyyyyy26:13
EAD* [12v] pner : !log26:13
. : oh i have htmlmotd off26:13
PEC* Jaguar -lfp : also nice, bronze. that seems like a personal best26:13
. : what's the log link26:13
impySpace : !log26:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 3 minutes26:13
. : !log26:13
[Pause] Game has been paused for 4 minutes26:13
PEC* Jaguar -lfp : reeeeeeeaddddddddy????26:13
PEC* Crutch : We ready.26:13
PEC* Jaguar -lfp : unpausing!!!!!!!26:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by Jaguar -lfp...26:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...26:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...26:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...26:13
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...26:13
estoring ubercharge level for gimi26:13
estoring ubercharge level for coke26:13
[Pause] Game is unpaused!26:13
rafplayzso it's best of 5, not first to 5 right26:38
Jaguar -lfpfirst to 526:47
Jaguar -lfpor 30 minutes in this case26:50
rafplayzoh shit 30 minutes have passed already?27:01
[12v] pnernioce pill27:06
Jaguar -lfpgimi is a slimy eel27:26
Jaguar -lfpsilmey27:29
rafplayzspeedrun Process% win27:37
Bronze Pegasusgood job h28:41
rafplayzsomebody should use the vuvuzela noisemaker to induce PTSD into the enemies28:43
Jaguar -lfpyoure savage28:55
rafplayzi'm dabbling in war crimes29:15
Jaguar -lfphaha29:23
Jaguar -lfpgg29:48
Bronze Pegasusgg29:48
CrutchThis is what we like to call, an epic. For blu of course.30:01
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.30:14
[RGLQoL] Match ended. Wait 90 seconds to changelevel to avoid cutting off actively broadcasting STV. This can be overridden with a second changelevel command.30:14
[SOAP] Soap DM loaded.30:14
[LogsTF] Uploading logs...30:14