demos.tfaboutviewereditor - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by 2 years go

broken 要мёртв要 ☬︎s82145617Le Fantôme de l'Opéra
eternal despair 大anti social104135911lil yotty
灯克 ghoul 命дед внут65149219JEFF أنا أقتل DA KILLER
ඞ lil sus ඞ abuzer 13 y.o.831310615Gergosz.
blaer85106313admiral awesome
サ☠hated☠マlet me dieマ04125101Samael



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eternal despair 大anti social:(06:36
JEFF أنا أقتل DA KILLERit war06:45
eternal despair 大anti socialcriminal06:56
broken 要мёртв要 ☬︎scan we pause?08:52
admiral awesomesuree08:55
JEFF أنا أقتل DA KILLERyes08:56
[Pause] Game was paused by admiral awesome08:59
ternal despair 大anti social : i am on 800 ping08:59
dmiral awesome : take ur time homie08:59
EFF أنا أقتل DA KILLER : i also got like 10 fps08:59
ergosz. : u have to use the uber 08:59
ternal despair 大anti social : danish pc08:59
ergosz. : there is no plugin z08:59
EFF أنا أقتل DA KILLER : what r u danish?08:59
-- Malformed utf8 --08:59
ergosz. : medic ubers plugin is not in 08:59
roken 要мёртв要 ☬︎s : we are gonna unpause08:59
dmiral awesome : ok08:59
ergosz. : if u have uber u have to use08:59
dmiral awesome : go08:59
ergosz. : we gonna use aswell08:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 5 seconds by broken 要мёртв要 ☬︎s...08:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 4 seconds...08:59
ergosz. : just sayim08:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 3 seconds...08:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 2 seconds...08:59
[Pause] Game is being unpaused in 1 second...08:59
[Pause] Game is unpaused!08:59
Gergosz.we hav euber09:01
admiral awesomeuse09:03
Gergosz.u have to use09:05
broken 要мёртв要 ☬︎suse09:05
Samaelwe did09:08
admiral awesomewe used09:09
JEFF أنا أقتل DA KILLERim scoobydoo14:14
サ☠hated☠マlet me dieマgg15:24
灯克 ghoul 命дед внутggs15:26
[SOAP] Plugins reloaded.15:29