
testosterone took my homie - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by high school art class 3 years go

Ϫ Wir Suchen Dich1261412713iced out sundial
50 Acc Chung11161191417mia
Fire and War.1911217425high school art class
Ϫ saxophone1131911614Cronjington Magoo
Ϫ averted1041371212-SFC- akashieden
Ϫ Joe60812690starka



Toggle Chat
Ϫ saxophonelmfao03:46
iced out sundialLOL03:48
-SFC- akashiedenwhy did u go LOL03:54
Ϫ saxophonebro i did a speed shot on accident03:55
Ϫ saxophonein house ?04:01
-SFC- akashiedenlmfao04:01
Ϫ saxophonecause there was only a scout last a checked lol04:08
Ϫ saxophonedidnt spect u tbh04:11
high school art classLMFAO08:47
-SFC- akashiedenpls17:51
Fire and War.Ez.17:54
Fire and War.lol18:39
-SFC- akashiedenu hate me or sumth lol wtf18:46
Fire and War.random edgebug18:47
Fire and War.idk if u noticed that18:50
high school art classbruh...20:01
iced out sundialDilvhkawdnawd22:30
Ϫ saxophonewtf22:33
iced out sundialI'm so bad22:36
Ϫ saxophonebrop23:13
Ϫ saxophonethat is not fair 23:18
Ϫ Wir Suchen Dichhello bunger23:24
iced out sundialowned23:25
bunger· ͜ .23:29
Ϫ Wir Suchen Dich(´ ͜͜ >`)23:32
iced out sundial· ͜·23:32
Cronjington Magoobung.23:33
Fire and War.Ur so healthy24:11
Fire and War.wtf24:13
Cronjington Magoothe classic afk med bait25:02
Fire and War.LMFAO25:05