
Qixalite Booking - RED vs BLU


Demo uploaded by Kodyn 1 years go

Buster Move381420241223Elo Assassin
nephew26171422920r&s mashiro
big squanch101014131221Thyme
Mikcow1718110big stinker
780on my puter being racist



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big stinker[P-REC] Recording...00:03
Buster Moveyee haww00:07
r&s mashiroomg02:09
SLATTsonauz ur shit net is wiggin me out02:58
Elo Assassinim falling asleep 09:19
Elo Assassincna u cunts push smth09:24
MikcowI already am asleep09:38
big stinkerauz ur getting diffed09:40
Elo Assassinhelp lexx09:49
big stinkeri would if they would let me09:55
big stinkeradmin of this pug server makes ghost look smart10:14
AdrianLex I can ask them10:44
Adrianbut theyre a bit slow at times10:49
big stinkeryes please10:49
big stinkerhes replying to all the messages10:57
big stinkerbut cant click 2 buttons 11:00
big stinkerto change a role11:02
AdrianAsked them to give essence role and they said they dont know him11:10
Adrianso idk11:12
big stinkerlmfao11:16
big stinkercomedy11:19
big stinkerauz hit a headshot12:30
Adrian2 headshots12:36
Adrianidk if its auz playing12:39
Mikcownice med pick auz15:17
Elo Assassinu mean easy med pick?15:28
big stinkerauz mate say the word and ill help you win this pug17:16
big stinkeri can see you're struggling 17:20
Elo Assassinso bad lexx19:20
big stinkerauz get a kill cunt19:20
Elo Assassinwatch and learn lexx19:26
big stinkeryeah sick backcap bro19:41
big stinkeri wouldve had that capped in my sleep19:48
AdrianLex 20:35
Adriangot u pugger20:38
Buster Movelol20:51
Avono way20:54
SLATTsonwhat is this 21:44
big stinkerits a chistmas miracle 22:14
big stinkerauz i thought you were meant to be good at this game23:10
on my puter being racistsame bro23:20
big stinkerwhy did u pick this guy23:28
big stinkerhe sucks23:29
big stinker.ss23:47
big stinkerauz you need to up the acc a bit buddy24:18
big stinkerur never gonna be botquish if you dont start aiming like it24:32
Elo Assassinwatch and learn lexx24:48
big stinkeryou keep saying that but keep dying 25:00
big stinkerwhen am i going to learn something25:05
Elo Assassini just killed the med lexx25:06
big stinkeryeah well convert the round already25:32
big stinkerid have this capped by now25:35
Elo AssassinWTF26:12
big stinkerbahahahha26:13
big stinkerauz mate26:23
big stinkergive up already26:27
stammrevenge for that demonic headshot26:27